Eternity Matters Most - Video
Every person is eternal and without a reconciled relationship to their God through Jesus, will spend eternity in hell. My eternity mattered so much to God that He sacrificed His Son Jesus to pay the price for my sin. Now that I have this eternity, the eternity of my friends and family matters most to me. Therefore, I believe that getting every sinner like me connected to their needed and perfect Savior is my highest and holiest priority.
Not Perfect but Perfectible - Video
I have never “arrived” as a follower of Jesus. There are always more ways that the Holy Spirit is transforming me by degrees into the image of Christ, maturing me, stretching me and growing me. I will not pretend to be perfect, but be authentic with my imperfection, knowing that God is already at work in renewing me. I am humbly and persistently pursuing this sanctification through Gospel-centered discipline and community, knowing that it comes as a worshipful response to my salvation, not a means to it. I am also encouraging others to do the same.
Pursuit of Excellence - Video
God takes very seriously the idea that everything we do must be done with a skillful hand, with complete devotion and most excellently as is possible. We will commit to pursuing every area of our life with the utmost excellence, whether it's our schoolwork, our relationships with friends, or the functions of the ministries we are serving in.
The Word is Fuel - Video
As the inspired and revealed Word of God, the Scriptures are where we return continually to seek guidance, find encouragement, be corrected and most importantly grow in our wisdom of our own salvation—we must learn to preach the Gospel to ourselves first. The study and application of the Bible is a critical part of the life of a disciple, as is private meditation and meeting corporately to grow in the word together. But all of this is not an end to itself; we are not merely consumers of the word, but rather it is a fuel for us as we go out on our mission in the ministry of reconciliation to give God all the glory.
Matthew 18 (M18) - Video
The ministry of reconciliation applies to the way we relate within the Church as well as with those outside it. We do not settle disputes or conflicts like the fallen world around us. We do not gossip or go behind someone’s back to build a case against them. Matthew 18 clearly spells out how Christians are called to solve disputes and clarify misperceptions. We are also called to speak only words that build up, especially of those who are not present to defend themselves. There are no exceptions.