three ways to donate

Donations will support BSM ministry, staffing, or student missions

  • 1) Online Giving

    Give through our easy, secure online giving page on Classy:

    • Your tax-deductible gifts can be given through Classy by credit card, debit card or e-check.  You can setup recurring donations or make a one-time gift.  100% of your contribution is received by the UNT BSM. You will be mailed a year-end giving statement from Texas Baptists.  If you have questions or need to make changes to your giving, contact Eric Bean at .
    • CLICK HERE to give or make a payment to UNTBSM (general donations, missions, general staffing)
    • CLICK HERE to give towards ERIC BEAN'S support raising
    • CLICK HERE to give towards CALEB NORMAN'S support raising
    • CLICK HERE to give towards LAUREN CARTWRIGHT'S support raising
  • 2) automatic giving through your bank

    Here are a few simple instructions on setting up automatic giving through your bank.

    Many people find it easy and convenient to set up automatic monthly giving to BSM.  Most banks allow you to do this using the online bill pay feature.  Typically, there is no charge to use this feature and your bank will even pay for postage to mail the check.  Here are a few simple steps:

    1. Log on to your bank account on your bank’s website.
    2. Go to the bill pay section and select “add a payee”.
    3. Add the UNT BSM as a payee

    UNT Baptist Student Ministry
    PO Box 311584
    Denton, TX 76203

    (Note - If asked for an account number, just put "NA" or "0".)  

    1. After you have added UNT BSM as a payee, you will schedule a repeating payment.  Go to the bill pay section, select “schedule a payment”, then indicate you would like to set up a repeating payment.
    2. You then will choose the amount you want to give and the start date.  You will also choose an end date or term: six months, twelve months, indefinite, etc.
    3. When you are done, you will usually have to confirm that all the information is correct, and you’re done!

    Automatic giving is very helpful to BSM.  It allows us to budget and plan ministry around this income.  Thank you for considering giving in this manner.

  • 3) Mail in a contribution

    Make checks payable to "UNT BSM" and send to:


    PO Box 311584

    Denton, TX 76203