STep 1: Sign up for a connection Meeting
Connection Meeting
You don't have to walk through college alone. We're here for you and want to help you build friendships and make an impact on campus! Fill out this form and we'll contact you about a time to meet up. We'll tell you about the BSM and answer any questions you have, and we'd love to get to know you too.
Step 2: Attend a BSM Event
We have events throughout the year to help you get connected. Fall events coming soon!
Summer nights @ the BSM
Join us for our summer study on Thursday nights at 7 pm. The summer study will begin June 3 and end August 1, with a break on July 4. We'd love to see you there!
Located at 1132 Union Circle.
Step 3: Come to Connect worship & Join a Connect Group
Connect small Groups
On Thursday nights at Connect, we split into smaller groups from 8-9pm to discuss the teaching and the Bible passage we've studied. These groups are a great way to make friends and learn more about God and the Bible.